PROLOGUE to 'Fly High, Little Bird' --- An Excerpt from the Book.
We come in peace. There is no need to be frightened. We have much to share with you. We are friends. The world needs to hear the message we have brought. There are not enough of you who are listening. We love you. We want to see you survive. We can help you to do that. Will you listen? There is no time to waste.
Your species has brought the Earth to the state it is in. It has happened before. We wish for it to not happen again. We are your beloved brothers and sisters. What affects you, affects us. We sorrow for the destruction you have wrought in your careless stewardship of this planet.
We want to stress upon you that nothing is irreversible. Nothing is beyond hope. If one person can change what they are doing, then a billion and more can. It is merely a matter of running in the right direction. Like lemmings, you have been running towards the cliff. It is time to head back to land.
What in the world have you been doing to yourselves? We cannot help you if you don’t help yourselves. Take our hand in this, and put aside everything you think is the problem, and look upon a blackboard wiped clean. What came before is of no consequence. It merely trips you up from the way forward. What is the purpose of hanging onto old stuff?
Safety? Familiarity?
Has it worked?
Safety lies in change, in opening your mind and allowing wisdom to enter when the barricades you call ‘safety’ are down. All the people who, in the moment of now, will step off the merry-go-round, will find that the horses continue without them.
Who are you, exactly?
We are the Beings who with your permission convey and contrive to assist all humans on a journey of self-discovery. You are not who you think you are. You are so much more. It is the conditioning of the physical world and those who would for their own benefit seek to strip you of your power that has caused you to forget that you were birthed in the awesome image of Prime Creator—as are all things beneath the physical aspect of them. We, with you, are no more and no less than all of that.
We have lived many lives, on many planets—some of us on Earth—and have evolved beyond the necessary trials and tribulations of physical life, as you know it, although we can take a physical form if we so choose. Thought is creative and with it the energy Source can be shaped into any possibility by those with the knowledge and the desire to do so.
This Divine energy that you call God, and we call Prime Creator, is Pure Love. Although both Light and dark must be experienced in the physical world and beyond it for you to wind your way back to your remembrance by picking up greater and greater knowledge at the feeling level along the path, it is time now for you and others like you to step more fully into the wider expression that you have been seeking. We are here to help you do that.
Where do you live?
Yes, but do you have a home base?
It changes according to our needs.
You’re a hard one to pin down—you know that?
Yes. Change your direction. It is not important.
It might be important to ME!
It isn’t. You just think it is.
Jeez—back to that, are we?
Always. There is no escape.
Oh, joy.
We come in peace. There is no need to be frightened. We have much to share with you. We are friends. The world needs to hear the message we have brought. There are not enough of you who are listening. We love you. We want to see you survive. We can help you to do that. Will you listen? There is no time to waste.
Your species has brought the Earth to the state it is in. It has happened before. We wish for it to not happen again. We are your beloved brothers and sisters. What affects you, affects us. We sorrow for the destruction you have wrought in your careless stewardship of this planet.
We want to stress upon you that nothing is irreversible. Nothing is beyond hope. If one person can change what they are doing, then a billion and more can. It is merely a matter of running in the right direction. Like lemmings, you have been running towards the cliff. It is time to head back to land.
What in the world have you been doing to yourselves? We cannot help you if you don’t help yourselves. Take our hand in this, and put aside everything you think is the problem, and look upon a blackboard wiped clean. What came before is of no consequence. It merely trips you up from the way forward. What is the purpose of hanging onto old stuff?
Safety? Familiarity?
Has it worked?
Safety lies in change, in opening your mind and allowing wisdom to enter when the barricades you call ‘safety’ are down. All the people who, in the moment of now, will step off the merry-go-round, will find that the horses continue without them.
Who are you, exactly?
We are the Beings who with your permission convey and contrive to assist all humans on a journey of self-discovery. You are not who you think you are. You are so much more. It is the conditioning of the physical world and those who would for their own benefit seek to strip you of your power that has caused you to forget that you were birthed in the awesome image of Prime Creator—as are all things beneath the physical aspect of them. We, with you, are no more and no less than all of that.
We have lived many lives, on many planets—some of us on Earth—and have evolved beyond the necessary trials and tribulations of physical life, as you know it, although we can take a physical form if we so choose. Thought is creative and with it the energy Source can be shaped into any possibility by those with the knowledge and the desire to do so.
This Divine energy that you call God, and we call Prime Creator, is Pure Love. Although both Light and dark must be experienced in the physical world and beyond it for you to wind your way back to your remembrance by picking up greater and greater knowledge at the feeling level along the path, it is time now for you and others like you to step more fully into the wider expression that you have been seeking. We are here to help you do that.
Where do you live?
Yes, but do you have a home base?
It changes according to our needs.
You’re a hard one to pin down—you know that?
Yes. Change your direction. It is not important.
It might be important to ME!
It isn’t. You just think it is.
Jeez—back to that, are we?
Always. There is no escape.
Oh, joy.